Taking a Ton of Pills is an Aesthetic Experience With This Case

I’ve been in a bit of an arthritis flare lately, which means I’m logging a lot of couch time. I (of course) can’t only be looking at one screen, so I often have my phone out and do a little shopping while I’m watching TV. I don’t do much buying, but so, so much browsing. One such afternoon I decided I should treat myself, since I was feeling so crappy, and bought a new pill organizer that had been sitting in my “save for later” graveyard for months. It is such a nice upgrade, it almost makes being chronically ill feel chic.

I have used this pill organizer for years, and I’d recommend it to anyone who needs AM and PM containers and could benefit from the arthritis-friendly push to open style. But if you drop it, pills go everywhere and the case will break (I have broken one irreparable and one just kinda-sorta). It’s also bulky and, let’s be honest, not very cute. I keep my pill organizer on top of my dresser, so it’s visible all the time, and this case was just not very pleasing to look at, and also reminded me I’m sick and take a lot of pills.

I put stickers on mine, and, as you may be able to tell, I went in with no plan whatsoever.

This pill organizer, on the other hand, looks so nice and not at all like it houses one million pills I have to take to remain a functioning human. When closed, it’s just a big hunk of plastic, but when you open it, each side is a time (AM/PM) and then there’s a sliding panel to reveal as many or as few slots as you want. AND the sliding panels go both ways, so when you’re at the end of the week you don’t have to pull the cover off completely, just go in from the other side.

The sliding panels are easy to move, even if you have arthritic hands, but they’re solid enough that they won’t snap or slide if you drop this pill case. I was concerned I wouldn’t be able to fit all my pills in each space, but aside from one giant fish oil capsule, they all fit. And who really needs fish oil anyway? (If my opthamologist asks, this is a joke.)

Sarah Chrzastowski

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