The Most Troublesome Breakouts Are No Match for Acropass Trouble Care

It is absolutely disgusting that I, a full on adult, eons past teenagerhood, still get breakouts. It’s even MORE upsetting that I get those deep down cystic breakouts that actually HURT. I want to just stick a needle in them and deflate them like a balloon - but this will only lead to more problems, so I have to exercise what little self-control I have. OR DO I??

Acropass Trouble Cure

Acropass Trouble Care acne patches are THE patch for a deep, cystic, painful breakout. It’s like sticking a needle in your zit and zapping it with some magic shrinking potion, but you won’t be left with the aftermath at-home surgery can bring. I will never tell you something is a miracle unless I have actually witnessed said miracle, and with these patches, I have. I had one of those cysts thats like a little pea under your skin. It was right on my chin, and every time I moved my jaw it ached, reminding me of its cursed presence. That evening, I did the Acropass routine (more on that in a minute) and the next morning it was GONE. Not smaller, not less red, not raised to a head so I could actually attack it with a lancet. GONE.

Acropass Trouble Care patches fall under my favorite skincare genre: Seemingly Medical. It’s a two step process that involves opening things, swiping things, tweezers…. I love it.

The first step is to use the little wipe to cleanse the area. It smells very strongly of tea tree oil, which is in there, along with salycylic acid. Small sidenote: Both of these ingredients have, in the past, irritated my skin to the point I would NEVER use them. Somehow Acropass Trouble Care is different, idk. BUT I can only use ONE treatment per breakout, even if the cyst is still hanging around. Once you’ve swiped, it’s time for the patch. Each patch comes in a little blisterpack(ish) container of two. I always apply patches of any kind with tweezers (cannot recommend that enough, for accuracy and cleanliness) so I peel one off (the second one is stored in the package until next time) and place it over the blemish. Then you press down a little bit to make sure all those micropoints get stuck. Wake up in the morning and be amazed.

Sometimes one night of Acropass Trouble Care isn’t enough to fully murder a pernicious cyst, but like I said, my skin can’t handle two treatments. BUT, if there’s still anything there it’s exponentially smaller, and you can treat it with any other patch that isn’t as irritating (I can recommend many).

Sarah Chrzastowski

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