Wear, Watch, Want #123: The Cozy Killer Bidet Edition

Wear: Barefoot Dreams Cozychic Socks

I have perpetually cold feet. I wear slippers around the house, but sometimes you want to have cosy feet while under your heated blanket, and that’s where big ol’ socks come in. I am always looking for slipper socks that don’t have non-slip bottoms, and you’d be surprised how difficult that hunt is. I have taken to buying boot liners, because non-non-slip huge socks are so rare. But now that I’ve found these ones from Barefoot Dreams, I think the hunt may be over. They’re big, they’re slippy slidey, they’re warm and cozy. AND! They stay soft and cozy even after you wash them!

Watch: Mindhunter

Mindhunter is a Netflix show about the FBI team that interviewed, in prison, perpetrators of multiple murders to learn how to better profile active killers. This team was the first to use the term “serial killer,” and while the show is based on real people, the actual characters on the show are fictional. But the killers portrayed are real people you know from the news and those grisly podcasts that every single person seems to have made.

The first season of Mindhunter was… fine. I have a lot of unanswered questions and concerns about it, but I wouldn’t tell you to not watch it. The second season, however, is great. They follow the Atlanta Child Murders, which I only learned about a few years ago. The team Mindhunter is based on actually worked on the Atlanta Child Murders case, as well as finally (FINALLY) catching the BTK killer, who you see throughout the show, even though the team isn’t on the case yet. Mindhunter, to me, seems like it’s made for people who already know about these high profile cases. In the first season they never say, “Ah yes, BTK is at it again.” But if you know, you KNOW. I hope the show continues until they catch him, because this case is WILD. The floppy disk!

I will also day that Anna Torv is one of Mindhunter’s leads, and she is, as usual, perfection. And in the second season the head of the FBI is played by Michael Cerveris, for all of you wishing for a Fringe reunion.

Want: Toto Washlet Seat

I have learned that people use the phrase “Toto Toilet” to mean a fancy Japanese toilet that’s heated, plays you a lullaby, and has a bidet with 40 settings. I have a Toto toilet. It’s… a normal toilet. It IS a great one and I would recommend it to anyone, but it’s not magical. I have also found out that for like $200 you can get a Toto Washlet seat, which has a bidet, heated seat, deodorizer, and it CLEANS ITSELF. I feel like I need this? I need this.

Sarah Chrzastowski

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