Take This Glow on the Road

Since I started using Pixi Glow Tonic each morning, I have been loving how my skin looks. I cannot imagine not using it, and I don’t know how I was even living before I added it to my routine. Another non-skincare routine I started this fall was going to stay at my parents’ house once a month. (We’re only seeing each other, and they live close enough that I can go there without making any stops.) I tend to pack as light as I can, and I’m only going to 5-7 days, so I don’t need a lot. I forego my usual AM skincare routine of Bioderma on a reusable cotton pad, and instead I just use these face wipes. But now that I follow up my Bioderma with Pixi Glow Tonic, HOW would I take my routine on the road? I don’t want to mess around with bottles and cloths and a tiny laundry bag of used cotton pads, but lucky for me, Pixi had a solution.

Glow Tonic To-Go is the perfect way to maintain your skincare routine away from home. It’s simply a bunch of disposable pads soaked in the same Glow Tonic you get in the bottle. I will say, you need to be sure you’re getting Glow Tonic To-Go, which has 5% glycolic acid, and not the Glow Peel Pads, which have 20% glycolic acid. They both come in tubs, they’re both pre-moistened pads, but if you use the Peel Pads when you’re used to the Glow Tonic, your skin will NOT be happy.

Sarah Chrzastowski

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