My Simple Trick For De-Stinking My Sports Bras

I get SO sweaty. I am a sweatmonster. Just in everyday life I can manage to get super sweaty, but if I’m exercising?? Sweat city. Now that I’m exercising in my home, I feel like I’m getting even sweattier? I don’t know if this is true, but I feel like, because I’m not worried about someone next to me seeing me turn bright red and pant like crazy, I can really go for it. I can use three towels to soak up my gallons of sweat and chug water like I’ve never had a drink in my life! No one can see me!

Then my sports bras started to stink, and even me, by myself, no one around to judge, couldn’t stand it.

I take great care in laundering my clothes. I even bought a second drying rack just so I could hang up my sweaty workout clothes so they’d launder better. And still: Smelly bras. So I came up with an even more elaborate system, that is actually incredibly easy, and has pretty much solved my stinky sports bra dilemma.

Simply put, it’s OxiClean. More specifically, it’s this spray that I decant into a tiny spray bottle that lives in my bathroom cabinet. Post workout I peel off my sweaty clothes and then I put my bra, inside-out, in the bathroom sink (just to keep the spray contained) and spray all around the band (The band is where the Sweat Smell in concentrated). It takes about 30 extra seconds, and it has completely eradicated the Stench.

Once my bra (and anything else I feel needs a little extra help, but usually it’s just the bra band), I hang up my workout clothes to dry, then (usually the next day) put them in the hamper. Once it’s laundry time, I wash as normal (I was all my clothes on delicate, in cold water. And air dry most of it).

I will say, I am looking for a more workout-specific treatment for my sweaty clothes. Apparently you’re not supposed to leave this spray on a fabric for more than 10 minutes (I have… never followed that rule), and there are products out there more suited for my needs. But, I already had a LOT of this stuff in my cupboard (see above photo) and I was in a stinky crisis. This has been working well for a few weeks, and it was 1) Cheap (I didn’t actually buy anything new) and 2) Easy. Plus, now I don’t catch a whiff of myself while I’m working out and feel like I’m going to faint!

Sarah Chrzastowski

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