I Horrifically Scraped Up My Knee. These Bandages Healed Me in 4 Days.

Last weekend I was walking Hero and I fell of a curb into the street. I say fell, but really I FELL. I ate it completely and blessedly it was Sunday and there was no traffic because not only did I fall INTO the street, I fell into a BUSY street. I managed to keep ahold of the dog, I managed to realize my phone had fallen out of my pocket (I only knew because my AirPods stopped working, I went back and my phone was in the middle of the road. NARY A SCRATCH. Unbelievable). So many blessings out of such a catastrophe. But I didn’t walk away completely unscathed. My right knee was an absolute crime scene.

I am over 30 years old but also a millennial, so I texted a photo of my ripped up knee to my mom and asked, “Do I need to put a bandage on this?” My mom said “YES.” But I didn’t HAVE any enormous bandages so I folded up a paper towel and taped it on my knee. The next day I went to Rite Aid and found not only bandages, but bandages that were very similar to one of my favorite beauty products:

Hydrocolloid bandages are the proper name for my favorite invention, which I call Pimple Patches. I’ve seen how a Cosrx Acne Patch can transform a beastly breakout into an innocuous spot overnight, so I grabbed a box of Band-Aid Hydro Seal Extra Large Bandages and hoped my knee would look a little less gruesome soon.

These bandages are heavy duty. I put one on on Monday, and slept, showered, worked out, showered again, and it did not BUDGE. In fact, taking it off was almost a struggle. I ended up using two, for a total of about 4 days, and it looked like I had a completely new knee. It looked like small tiger had mauled my kneecap, and after just a few days of wearing these bandages you could not tell I had recently had a ghastly run in with some asphalt.

I do still have a gnarly bruise on my knee, and who knows how long that will last, but the scrapes and cuts and associated aches and pains are all gone. I’m going to keep my medicine cabinet stocked with some hydrocolloid bandages at all times. You never know when a dog walk will end in injury.

Sarah Chrzastowski

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