Wear, Watch, Want #156: The 100 Moisturized Monsters Edition

Wear: Trader Joe’s Head to Toe Moisturizing Balm

I have a lot of moisturizers - they’re one of my favorite products to try - but lately I’ve been grabbing this Trader Joe’s moisturizing balm over all others. I like to grab this one over say, any of these, because it’s consistency allows it to absorb into my hands quickly, and it leaves no residue. This is especially important when I want to moisturize my hands, but I also want to work on my lately cross stitch project. You don’t want an oily lotion all over your fabric, as it could make the colors in the threads bleed and then your whole piece is ruined. It’s $4 for a tin of this works-everywhere balm, and while I use it mostly on my hands, I’ll also branch out and put it on my elbows, heels, anywhere I need some non-greasy, quickly absorbed moisture.

Watch: Lovecraft Country

HBO has aired only one episode of Lovecraft Country, but that first episode was so good, I can’t wait for more. It’s got sci-fi, history, adventure, and a mostly black cast featuring Jurnee Smollett, who I have been a huge fan of since she played Denise on Full House. She also wears some great outfits, and considering for most of the episode she’s on a road trip, there are a LOT of them. She’s in a different outfit in every scene! Where are all these clothes coming from? It’s also got horror, adventure, mystery, history, and social commentary. Lovecraft Country has everything I want in a TV show.

Want: Peloton Century Shirt

As I’m typing this, I have 12 rides to go till my century ride. When you hit 100 of any one workout on Peloton, you join the Century Club and you get a free tee shirt. It’s gimmicky and weird, but I’m super excited to reach a big milestone.

Sarah Chrzastowski

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