Wear, Watch, Want #159: The Well Covered Justice Edition

Wear: North Face Hat

I’ve been going out more and more. Whether it’s to Costco (where I feel safer, Covid-wise, than most places) or to walk the dog, or to the outdoor mall near my house (sometimes you just want to go somewhere different and toodle around!). But 1) I am NOT a fan of the sun, and 2) I haven’t gotten a haircut since, what? January? So I turn to a hat a lot of the time. I love this one I got from REI, by The North Face, which I can’t find exactly, but it seems a lot like this one. Maybe it’s the same! I don’t know! The one I have is nylon, so it’s breathable and cooling, not suffocating your head while you sweat into it. It’s got a bungee cord to tighten it, and I think because of that it’s just one size fits all, but again I don’t know. I cut the tag out years ago. It’s incredibly lightweight, so much so that I often forget I’m wearing it, and it’s not so low and tight that I can’t also wear sunglasses with it. It hides that fact that I haven’t gotten a haircut and only wash my hair when I feel like I’ve put it off for too long. Overall, a perfect quarantine accessory.

Watch: Teenage Bounty Hunters

I think I was expecting Teenage Bounty Hunters to be like my other favorite shows about teens: Silly, overly dramatic about Small Problems, and ultimately something I enjoy but don’t feel the need to evangelize about. But I was wrong! Teenage Bounty Hunters is heartfelt and sweet and introspective and funny and charming! I haven’t finished the whole season yet, but I feel like it’s going the way of noted Perfect Film Dirty Dancing where it’s about well intentioned rich girls ultimately becoming radicalized and going full socialist (if you didn’t know Dirty Dancing is about a rich girl being radicalized and becoming a socialist, well you haven’t heard ME talk for 45 minutes straight about how much I love Dirty Dancing). The leads are absolutely delightful, and the writing is about something ridiculous (see title) but also manages to capture essential parts of the teenage girl experience. One of my favorite little bits the show does is have Sterling and Blair suddenly speak very passionately to each other about something any adult would think is unimportant. Whether it’s an outfit or a person they know or that one time that one thing happened. It’s SO spot on, it charms me every time. I love the way these girls are tackling issues of class and race and religion while still, you know, being teen girls. They want to understand the world but that may involve challenging everything they’ve ever known about the world. They work in criminal justice but also understand that the system is ultimately a failure, and what does that mean to two rich white teenagers from a conservative background? I also really like that their religious background is taken seriously and for these girls to learn and grow, it doesn’t mean losing their faith. They could very easily make fun of religion, but they don’t, and I think that’s commendable! This show could have been a complete joke, but it’s challenging and funny and heartwarming and I just want Sterling and Blair to become the great people they dream of being, even though I know they are fictional characters played by 25 year olds. If you, like me, cherish all teen girls, can’t wait to see what they accomplish, and want them to be protected at all costs, this is the show for you.

Edited to add: I finished the series and I demand Netflix orders a second season immediately.

Want: Athleta Parka

Last year I got a North Face coat in the Nordstrom Anniversary sale, and it seemed perfect. It looked a lot like this Athleta one I want now. BUT, as I wore it, it started to get these little white flecks all over it. And if you pulled them, like four feathers would come out and it would look worse than it did before. I know two other peopel who got this jacket and we all had teh same problem. Even so, I wore that coat ALL fall and winter and a lot of spring. THIS year I’m upgrading. The Athleta Whisper Featherless Parka promises to stay intact, as well as having all the features I loved in the original, disappointing, coat.

Sarah Chrzastowski

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