Wear, Watch, Want #177: The Sporty Mineral Cube Edition

Wear: Pillow Cube

Do you wear a pillow? Sure! I have myriad sleep issues, from having trouble falling asleep to hyperextending my joints while I’m sleeping to just general aches and pains. But I LOVE sleep, and I will dedicate a lot of energy to making sure my sleep is as good as I can get it. That’s why when I saw someone on Twitter with chronic pain praising the Pillow Cube, I immediately investigated. I went for the Pillow Cube Pro, because I move around a lot while i’m sleeping (problematic joints require a lot of sleep acrobatics). The Pro is longer, more rectangular, so you can roll around and still, you know, be on your pillow. They offer a guide to measuring what size you need, and using that method I got a height of 3.7”. The Pillow Cube comes in 4”, 5”, or 6”. So I got a 4, and it was completely wrong. I have no idea how I went so astray, but they made it super easy for me to exchange it for a 5”, and now I’m very happy. Still figuring out how to make my bed with this weird pillow in the mix, but it’s worth it for less painful sleep.

Watch: Ted Lasso

Until a few weeks ago, I had an Apple TV+ subscription that I had used to watch one show: Dickinson. I got the subscription for free after I bought an iPad, but, like I mentioned here, I think it’s worth paying $5 for Dickinson alone. But now I’ve joined the Ted Lasso fandom and I think you should go ahead and watch it AS WELL AS Dickinson!

I knew literally nothing about Ted Lasso before I watched. I didn’t know it was about soccer/football. But it was praised all over my various feeds - and I have painted myself into a corner where each week I need to have watched something so I can write THIS - so I said WHY NOT. And it’s just as charming and heartwarming as every internet stranger said.

The very best thing about Ted Lasso is that it doesn’t prolong conflict. We’re all familiar with that trope where one character misinterprets something, or only has a small bit of information, or makes a poor choice, and then we just have to watch it get worse and worse when characters could have just TALKED TO EACH OTHER and MOVED ON?? Ted Lasso doesn’t do that. There’s a problem? We’re working it out, quickly. And it doesn’t make the show any less compelling or charming or engaging! I will now be using Ted Lasso as an example for why convoluted, manufactured, and prolonged conflict is UNNECESSARY.

Want: Mineral Foundation

I don’t use a lot of powder in my makeup routine, in fact since Covid I’ve barely worn makeup at all, but I like to have some in my stash for setting concealer or controlling shine if I’m going to be out and about for a long time. My favorite is Bare Minerals Original Loose Powder Mineral Foundation. I used to use Bare Minerals as my foundation (it’s great for covering up problematic skin) but now I just keep a jar in my drawer for occasional use. Mineral makeup doesn’t really expire*, so it’s great for me, who uses like, a gram a month. Now I need a new one, though, and the shades have completely changed since my last purchase. So I have to do research or maybe go to Sephora to figure out which one I need. UGH.

*Think of it like nail polish. It doesn’t expire if you store it properly, but also maybe after a certain amount of time, even with proper care, you’re better off just moving on. Don’t keep it around for 10 years. Three to five years though? Perfectly fine.

Sarah Chrzastowski

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