Wear, Watch, Want #211: The Tinted Frozen Ranch Edition

Wear: Tony Moly Lip Tint

This particular lip tint might not be available anymore, but it does come in a non-stick version. I think the stick (or “bar” as Tony Moly calls it) is better for my particular use, because while I’ve had this lip tint for awhile, I only just started using it, but differently than I had before. I’ll explain. So I’m wearing less makeup, I’ve said this one thousand times, but one thing I’m struggling with is a lip color that lasts, but is also subtle enough that I don’t look like I’m bare faced but wearing a lot of lipstick (a look I associate with makeup newbs and cheeky toddlers). My trick is to take the Tony Moly Get It Tint Water Bar and just dab it on my lips, with a VERY light touch. I wait a few seconds (Literally like, three seconds) and I rub it off with a tissue. I don’t go crazy scrubbing at my face, but I do enough that if this were not a stain, it’d be off. But it IS a stain, so what I end up with is a slightly-better-than-natural lip tint that STAYS for HOURS. I can have a snack, I can talk, and I have a faint lip tint that’s just enough to help me look not dead. I don’t know if this would work AS well with a liquid formula (harder to dab), but once this tube runs out in 10 years I guess I’ll have to find out.

Watch: The Power of the Dog

I voted for Jane Campion in Blank Check’s March Madness, and I was THRILLED to find out that though she lost, she’s up next. ANOTHER thing I’m excited about is that you can watch her latest film, The Power of the Dog, on Netflix. I know some people don’t like non-theatrical movie releases but it gets more people to see movies! Not everyone can go to a theater, and even if they could, not all movies play everywhere! Let the disabled and small town film buffs see the movies right away!

Anyway, I love Jane Campion (Don’t get me STARTED on Bright Star), and I was thrilled to be able to watch The Power of the Dog, from the safety and comfort of my couch. It’s absolutely gorgeous (Campion wouldn’t have it any other way!) and while I’d love to see a film so lush on an enormous screen, I’m immunocompromised in a pandemic.

Here’s the thing I feel most strongly about The Power of the Dog: Everyone’s performance is as good as it is BECAUSE Kirsten Dunst is so good. If we didn’t see how Phil (Benedict Cumberbatch) was terrorizing Rose (Kiki Dunst) he wouldn’t be as terrifying! He’s just be a weird creep! But becasue we see Rose being absolutely traumatized, we know that Phil is more than just a gruff jerk, and every scene with him we’re just waiting for him to explode and destroy everything. I know Elizabeth Moss was the initial Rose, and she would have been good (the migraine commercial is proof enough!), but the fact that we know Kirsten Dunst as a child and teen star, and now she’s acting as a fully grown woman who actually looks and acts like a 39 year old woman??? I love it!

Want: Chest Freezer

I do not have room in my house for a chest freezer. I do not have a garage where I could put a chest freezer. But I want one. I LOVE to freeze stuff. I cannot get through a loaf of bread before it goes bad - i gotta freeze at least half! Frozen vegetables are better than fresh, and easier too! And I would never run out of ice cream if I could have an auxiliary stash in my chest freezer. Maybe it’s the Midwestern urge to have a garage fridge/freezer. Maybe it’s my love of frozen broccoli. Whatever it is, if I ever move - or figure out how to make it work in this house - I’m getting myself a second freezer.

Sarah Chrzastowski

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