Wear, Watch, Want #187: The Jeffrey's Medical Glasses Edition

Wear: Vuori Jeffrey’s Pullover

This is actually a men’s sweatshirt, but I won’t let a silly thing like gendered clothes get in the way of me having a fabulous sweatshirt. Vuori makes the softest, coziest clothes, and I have fallen in love with both the Jeffrey’s Pullover and the (women’s) Halo Performance Hoodie. There are many more colors available if you buy direct from Vuori, but the brand is also sold all over the place, including REI and Nordstrom. I have the blue pullover, and it is just heavenly, and I found out at one point they had a dark gray, which I would like them to bring back so I can buy it immediately.

Watch: The Knick

I already recommended The Knick, back when it was airing and I was only on Wear, Watch, Want #5. The show originally aired on Cinemax, which I think I had at that time because of some kind of cable deal, because I can’t imagine seeking out a Cinemax subscription. For a long time, The Knick was only available on Cinemax, and I LOVED it and regularly thought, “Should I just buy it? How else will I be able to watch it?” I watched Netflix buy streaming rights to all kinds of shows and thought, “BUY THE KNICK YOU FOOLS!” and then, this month, HBO Max came through and added The Knick to their platform. If you haven’t watched The Knick already (it was hard to stream, who can blame you?!) then you’ve GOTTA watch it now. This show was just… perfection. PLUS, it ended after two seasons in a really satisfying way, and I honestly hope they DON’T make some kind of spinoff, because it is just fabulous as-is.

Want: TikTok Glasses

There are two TikTokers I adore who not only make great content, but have amazing glasses. One is KweenWerk:


Reply to @magus_script 😜 glasses fashion show

♬ Glasses - The Inbetweens

and the other is ItsMaryFran

They have SO MANY pairs of AMAZING glasses, and I needed to know where these style mavens got their eyewear. So I stalked their pages (they have since made videos all about glasses, linked above, no detective work needed) and found out that most of Kween Werk’s glasses are from Zeelool, and Mary Fran’s are from Where Light. AND, both of these sites sell super awesome glasses at shockingly affordable prices. My prescription changes all the time, so I think i’m going to get myself some snazzy (non-rx) sunglasses and make my walks with the dog a little more glamorous. (The glasses in the above image are these ones from Zeelool)

Sarah Chrzastowski

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