Wear, Watch, Want #192: The Waterproof Denim Cult Edition

Wear: Kiwi Boot Waterproofer

I spray all my leather or suede shoes with protective spray. Is it because I’m from the Midwest, a land of constant, extreme weather? Is it because I like to take care of my stuff so it looks good and lasts a long time? Is it because growing up, my mom would always say, “You better spray those” before I wore new shoes? ALL OF THE ABOVE! I recently got some new Birkenstocks (these ones, all black, classy), and despite me spraying them before I wore them, they turned my feet black. I had very clear marks from where the straps hit my feet, and even a hazy border where they kind of rubbed around as I walked. I had marks AND an aura from the marks, and I was MAD. These were not cheap shoes! I sprayed! I decided I’d give them another shot, and I bought new, more heavy duty boot spray, and I opened the shoes so the straps were splayed out and I could be sure I hit every spot, and I sprayed them multiple times. I’ve worn them a few times since and my feet have remained unstained.

Listen: Trust Me

I love any media about cults. I’ve discussed this before. My latest cult fix is the podcast Trust Me. As I write this, I started listening yesterday, and I’m on episode 4. The show just started in October, so I’ll be caught up in no time. The show is hosted by two women who both have personal experiences in cults, and they interview guests about their own experiences. It’s fascinating and compassionate, and I really appreciate how the hosts aren’t there to go, “Wow that’s so crazy” but instead say, “I can see how that would be appealing.” I mean, the show isn’t about rationalizing abuse, but it’s not about sitting around telling a story of someone’s trauma and announcing that that sounds crazy or making a joke about it. If you, like me, have also had a lifelong fascination with cults, then Trust Me is a must listen. Also, if you spend 4 minutes on TikTok you will probably start getting a lot of ex-mormon content, which I am always here for:

Want: Levi’s High Loose Shorts

I went through a little shorts shopping bonanza, and I ended up returning all of them because I tried on shorts I bought last year and realized THOSE are the shorts I wanted - the ones I already owned. Then I was on Twitter and saw someone mention that these Levi’s shorts are the best shorts for people with big butts/thighs and now I want to order them. I’ve learned NOTHING!

Sarah Chrzastowski

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