Wear, Watch, Want #228: The Curled, Scammy, Old Bike Edition

Wear: Remington Hot Rollers

After trying myriad styling tools, I’ve gone back to my first love, hot rollers. I tried the larger ones, I tried fancier ones and cheaper ones, and I think I’m done - I’m sticking with these from Remington. The size is better for storage, it comes with pins (as opposed to clips, which often leave dents in your hair), and the curlers are the right size for my hair. I’m NOT shopping for rollers ANYMORE!

Watch/Read: Old Enough, Vanity Fair TV Writer Expose, and TikTok

I have a small amount to say about a few things I’ve enjoyed this week.

Old Enough is just as charming as everyone says it is. Some of those kids stress me out, but the overall effect is, “Awwww”

I am obsessed with this two-part story in Vanity Fair (part 1, part 2) about the woman who told increasingly ridiculous and harmful lies on her way to becoming a Grey’s Anatomy writer/producer (among other shows, including Vampire Diaries). She harmed so many people, and that is awful, but I want to focus on a much less depressing issue: Her writing. How vindicating as a Grey’s viewer to know that the worst storylines were created by a manipulative madwoman. Her scripts sucked, it says so right in the article, AND anyone who is still foolishly watching Grey’s Anatomy (me) could have told you that already!

A lovely story in two TikToks:

@crutches_and_spice Reply to @vico_ortiz thank you for your presence on earth. #ourflagmeansdeath ♬ original sound - Crutches&Spice ♿️ :

Want: Workouts

I didn’t do any intentional exercise for the entirety of April. I had shingles, and I was exhausted. Plus I knew at the end of the month I was taking a wild and crazy trip to get a puppy, and I didn’t want to push myself to exercise, have a flare up, and then be knocked flat and ALSO have a puppy. But I miss exercise! It was SO good for my body and my brain and my emotions, and I’m slowly working on coming back. I don’t think I’ll be able to jump back into a Tunde 45 minute HIIT and Hills ride, but I can’t wait to be back on my Peloton bullshit. It’s my FAVORITE THING.

Sarah Chrzastowski

This You Need

An Almanac For The 21st Century


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