This Set Makes Opening Jars Easy - Even With Arthritis

Last week it took me three days to open a bottle. THREE DAYS. Each day I would try to open it, and it would hurt my arthritic hands so much I’d have to give up. I have tools to help me open things, but putting a towel or one of those silicone grippy things over the lid didn’t help at all. When, on the third day, I finally got the bottle open, I yelled to the universe, “NEVER AGAIN” and I ordered one of these jar opener sets.

Set of two jar openers

I wasn’t sure this thing would work - it seemed kinda gimmicky - but when the set arrived I was surprised at how well made it looked, and then when I actually used the jar opener, I was very impressed. I imagined I’d have to squeeze the handle super hard to get a good grip on the lid, but very little effort was needed. No strong grip, no wrenching my arm to get leverage - I barely even moved my wrist/arm and the lid was off!

The underside of the jar opener

The jar opener isn’t just some rubber on a handle, it’s truly made to fit over a lid and create grip not only on the sides, but around the whole lid. There are four sizes to choose from, and it’s not hard to pull the two handles apart to make sure you have a tight seal on the lid you want opened.

multi use bottle opener

TBH I don’t know what some of these images even mean

I was mainly interested in the jar opener, but it came in a set with this little bottle opener that thankfully has uses printed right on the handle. I don’t imagine I’m going to use all the functionality of these two devices, but I’m glad I have options. I never know when I’ll wake up and my hands are just not having it, and it’s nice to know I can still open things on those days.

Sarah Chrzastowski

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