Two More Hypermobility Compatible Peloton Stretches

Hypermobile people when someone says that stretching helps them or feels satisfying:

Every joint I have is hypermobile. They don’t get tight, so I can’t stretch them out to any level that provides the “relief” or “good pain” that stretches allegedly provide. But stretching still has benefits, even if it’s not difficult or painful! However, it does have to be certain stretches, because it takes a lot for me to feel any effects from a stretch sesh.

I’ve already written about four of my favorite Peloton stretches that actually have an effect on my hypermobile body, but now there are two more in the mix, and I’ve been taking them over and over again.

This Leanne post-ride stretch is my latest favorite. She starts with a forward fold that turns into a fantastic shoulder stretch (she prompts it after the second forward fold, but I do the shoulder stretch both times). Then she’s got a little series of a calf stretch turned achilles stretch turned shin stretch with a sneaky hip flexor stretch?? Fantastic. By the time you get to the final quad stretch you feel like you’ve done more than a simple 5 minute post-ride stretch, and all to a disco playlist.

Edited to add: After writing this, I took this stretch and actually watched the screen and realized Leanne isn’t doing a toe drag/anterior tibialis/shin stretch, she’s just standing on one leg. I will continue to do the toe drag, because I like it.

It wouldn’t be a list of my fave stretches without Adrian. This 10 minute full body stretch has dethroned my previous fave from Adrian (although that one is still good!). It’s just satisfying stretch after satisfying stretch, mainly focusing on hips. I will say, the first stretch is some shoulder thing that I cannot figure out (probably because I can’t feel anything stretching due to hypermobility), so I just do something else during that bit. But after that, it’s all killer no filler.

Sarah Chrzastowski

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