The Two Topical Sticks Saving Me From My Itchy Mistakes

I love my Thermacall Insect Repellent. It works so well… as long as you turn it on. I was so vigilant about using my Thermacell every time I decided to sit in my yard or even just leave my back door open, but I got lazy, forgot, and got BIT TO HELL. I am in AGONY and I want to scratch my skin off. I’m trying my hardest not to, and there are two products helping me retain my sanity.

Dragon Balm is the greatest pain relief tool maybe ever. I mean, there are drugs that are better, but Dragon Balm is the best pain reliever for joint pain that you can get at your dispensary for not a lot of money and will not develop a dependency or addiction to. And now I can say: It works GREAT on bug bites. I decided to try it after reading that the menthol in Vick’s VapoRub is good for insect bites, and MY brain was like, “Dragon Balm has menthol!” so I applied some to all my various bites and amazingly, it worked better than anything else I’d tried up to that point. The weed probably helps too.

Maybe you can’t get to a dispensary or you’re opposed to weed medicine, and in that case I’d recommend the Cortizone-10 Roll On. It has the same easy application as Dragon Balm, and applies clear so you don’t look like you’re dousing yourself in anti-itch remedies. Plus, a benefit of both is that the application process with the sticks is kinda like scratching, and at least partially satisfies my need to claw at my own skin like a rabid raccoon.

Sarah Chrzastowski

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