Wear, Watch, Want #283: The Wild Elastic Swimsuit Edition

Wear: Hosiery Hair Ties

I think everyone who uses hair elastics has their absolute fave that they will evangelize about to anyone who even hints at being interested. Mine are hosiery hair ties, but not JUST hosiery hair ties. They must be Scünci No Damage Super Comfy Hosiery Elastic Hair Ties. They don’t leave a kink in my hair, they’re so comfortable you can lay right down on one while it’s in your hair and feel nothing, and you can put one around your wrist for later without it digging into your skin or leaving a red ring in its wake. I have tried others, none compare. These are the best and when I see them, I buy them.

Watch: Outer Wilds

My latest video game is Outer Wilds, which I had read one million enthusiastic raves about (I’m continually searching “Switch games like Subnautica” and Outer Wilds came up every time). I’m definitely addicted, even though I only know how to crash land my spaceship and I maneuver in zero-g by just pressing buttons and hoping for the best (I’m exaggerating, but barely). I haven’t finished it yet, but by the time this publishes I might have! I got the edition with an expansion so who knows, I might have 20 hours to go, which I wouldn’t mind at all.

Want: Swimsuit

I discovered last summer that my swimsuit didn’t fit. Now, I’d be thinking, “Oh, it got too small or too large.” Oh no, my friend. It got too SHORT. Literally hwhat? My torso somehow got like, multiple inches longer?? My suit shrunk lengthwise? It’s truly a mystery. But I need a new swimsuit and OY it is too difficult to find a swimsuit that I like and feel comfortable in. I was at Target trying on 100 suits and I tried on one that was actually good! There was some weirdness in the middle area with the fabric, but you know, you take what you can get. I was going to buy it even though the stomach part was odd, and as I’m hanging it up I look at the tag and YOU GUESSED IT, it was a maternity swimsuit. It was this suit, which I did really like, but I’m not buying a maternity swimsuit. So I ordered this one from the dressing room via the Target app and we’ll see how it goes.

Sarah Chrzastowski

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