The Secret To A Headache-Free Hairdo

I love big hair. Love it. The bigger the hair, the closer your resemblance to Dolly Parton. I accomplish volume through a whole host of nonsense including hot rollers, hair primer, dry shampoo, and prayers. The glue the holds it all together, though, is hairspray. And the ultimate in hairspray is L'oreal Elnett.

I used to never use hairspray, because it gave me migraines. I would just let the hairs fall as they may, because I couldn't even be near someone else who was spraying hairspray, let alone spray it on my own head. Then I realized that I went through years of many, many theater performances, wherein I was shrouded in a cloud of Aquanet, and I was perfectly fine. So what was up with that? Well, in my own home life, I was trained to believe that aerosol cans were the devil's handiwork, so hairspray was always the non-aerosol variety. Ah HA! My migraines were caused solely by non-aerosol hairspray. I didn't know if I could manage, morally, to use aerosols on a regular basis, but at least I solved a mystery.

Having only the experience of a theater dressing room to go on, I thought aerosol hairspray was only dispensed in varying amounts of toxic death clouds. It turns out, a normal person needs very little hairspray to get by. I had bought one bottle of Elnett to give an aerosol hairspray a go, and I was shocked at how much I liked it. I could style my hair, have that style last, and I wouldn't get a migraine. What was this, some kind of dream sequence? I chose Elnett because it had the best (and I mean the BEST) reviews, and because it came in an unscented variety, which I found very appealing. Plus, look at that packaging. I bet they haven't changed the packaging of Elnett in 30 years. The woman on the bottle is straight out of a music video from the 80s where a guy in an oversized denim bomber jacket falls in love with a painting. Why wouldn't you want to use a product like that every single day?!

I've tried a few other aerosol hairsprays in trial sizes, just to compare, and none live up to Elnett. One of my favorite things to do is set my hair in hot rollers, then spray the curls with hairspray and brush them out afterward. I end up with gorgeous waves, and with Elnett, the waves still hold. Other hairsprays just don't give me that softness in my hair while still maintaining the grip you get from hairspray. Elnett gives you the best of both worlds.

One complaint I have about Elnett is that their travel size only comes in a scented version. I recently took a trip and grabbed a travel size without even taking scent into account. I've been buying the unscented version for so long I don't even think about it anymore. I did my hair in the morning, and this stink was following me around that I just couldn't shake, and it wasn't fading. Then I realized it was my hairspray. Now I know when I travel to switch brands, at least until L'oreal gives the people what they need: An unscented, travel size Elnett. I'll buy them in bulk.

Sarah Chrzastowski

This You Need

An Almanac For The 21st Century

I Hope You Came Here For Glamour


Wear, Watch, Want #26: The Well-Dressed, Rug-Burned Minnesotan Edition