Wear, Watch, Want #12: The Glowing, Bookish Ice Age Edition

Wear: LED Dog Collar Light

This week's wear isn't for me - it's for Hero. It's getting darker now, and as of Sunday at 2am it's going to be darker even earlier. I love this time of year, but while I love our night walks to feel more, well, at night, I worry about Hero De Niro's safety. This little clip-on LED light is perfect for attaching to Hero's collar to make sure he can be seen clearly when we're walking in the dark of night. It comes in a myriad of colors, and is small enough that it doesn't bother Hero to have it attached to his neck. You just clip it on, press it once (I think if you press it twice it flashes, but I prefer a solid light) and you're ready to take a stroll, sure that you're going to see and be seen.

Watch: Snowpiercer

I wanted to see Snowpiercer this summer, but I, uh, didn't. I kept talking about it though, so that counts for... nothing. OK, you got me. But I did read a lot about it, and once I saw that it was available on VOD as well as in theaters, I said, "Well, then they'll probably have that sucker on Netflix as soon as they can." I must be a tad clairvoyant (or I just know a lot of industry insider info) because what was added to Netflix Instant this week? Snowpiercer. Who watched it the day it was added? ME. Snowpiercer is based on a graphic novel about a little whoopsie after what was supposed to put an end to global warming actually plunged the world into an ice age and killed all the things (you had ONE JOB, CAROL). The only survivors are passengers on a self-sustaining train that is hurtling around the world in non-stop trip to preserve the human race. A group of train hobos from the tail end decide to start a revolution by heading to the front of the train, where the engine is, and taking over the life-saving locomotive, and therefore the whole world. I liked the story, and the acting (Chris Evans has never been better, Tilda Swinton is in top SWINTON form), but mostly I loved the journey from the back of the train to the front. The sets are amazing, and seeing how this funny little railway habitat is structured was fascinating. Here's a great review that I agree with wholeheartedly. And here's a trailer:

Want: Books, Books, Books

I read a lot of books. Always have. But this fall my reading list is HUGE. There are so many books that are waiting for me, and I'm chomping at the bit to get to them. I prefer to read only one book at a time, and I have a system that I use, where I balance my owned books with library books (because library books are time sensitive, they shoot to the top of the list once in hand). Anyway, I thought I'd share a tiny sample of what's on my current to-be-read list.

Rooms by Lauren Oliver

The Fever by Megan Abbott

The Infinite Sea by Rick Yancey

The Retribution of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin (This one comes out on 11/4, but I prepare my reading wishlists even further in advance than that)

The Magician's Land by Lev Grossman (I PRE-ordered this book, was super excited to read it, and it's STILL on the list. I'm currently rereading The Magician King, because in addition to the aforementioned rules, I also need to reread the previous books in a series before I read the newest one, which I don't think is super unusual.)

Sarah Chrzastowski

This You Need

An Almanac For The 21st Century


The Jack of ALL (Lipcolor) Trades


Breakfast of Invalids