Wear, Watch, Want #9: The Classic Leopard Kilt Edition

Wear: Denim Jacket

It's still hot in LA, but there's a promise of fall in the air. Some people are like, "Screw it, I'm wearing a sweater and boots and who cares what temperature it is!" Others are all, "Screw it, it's 85 degrees, let's act like it, where are my shorts and flip flops." I'm sort of in the middle. I'm desperate for different clothes to wear, but I also couldn't stand to wear even ballet flats in the heat, let alone BOOTS. I'm dealing with the weird fall-not-fall time known in LA as "October" by adding a denim jacket to my typical summer uniform of a dress and sandals. I couldn't feature my own denim jacket in the above graphic because I bought it at least five years ago. It's from Old Navy, so I can't have paid more than $5 for it (realistically, though, it couldn't have been more than $20) so my cost per wear by now is completely ridiculous. The one pictured is $150 from J. Crew, but it was the closest to the uber-traditional look I'd recommend when looking for a denim jacket. Particularly if you're planning on wearing it for 5+ years, pay $150 for it, or a combination of the two.

Watch: Outlander Podcast

Some of you may have seen this and wondered why I was mentioning Outlander AGAIN, as it was part of my inaugural Wear, Watch, Want post. Well, as you may know the show is on hiatus 'til April, and I'm completely bereft. I was explaining this to my mom and she said, "Just read the books again!" To which I replied, "I could, but sometimes you want to be a passive participant." To which SHE said, "Fair point." In case you're like me and are missing the beloved television adaptations of one of your favorite book series that may just be The Thing That Got You Through 2010 (weird that we have such a specific thing in common), I have news for you: You may not be done with episodes 1-8 of Outlander just yet. Ron Moore, the developer and executive producer of Outlander, hosts a podcast which is fantastic to listen to as you re-watch the episodes, as he provides commentary from a story and production standpoint as the story plays out before your eyes. Basically it's like watching a DVD with director's commentary turned on, but it's 2014 now and everyone is legally required to have a podcast. Thanks, Obama. Most of the podcasts are done with his wife, Terry Dresbach, who is the costume designer for the series, and it's worth it just to hear about the period costumes. I mean, if you're into that. I never met a costume drama I didn't like, so to me hearing about 18th century shoes and underwear is fascinating. Podcasts for the entire first half of season 1 are available now on iTunes and are completely free.

Want: Yves Saint Laurent Touche Éclat Wild Edition

This was one of the items I left off Thursdays post on the limited edition makeup for Holiday 2014. Mainly because the only reason I want it is because it's leopard print, and as we all know, leopard print is my favorite color.

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