Wear, Watch, Want #165: The Brainwashed Buff Nails Edition

Wear: Symbolic Neck Gaiter

Neck gaiters are not good at protecting you and others from COVID. This is proven. BUT, there is a certain specific kind of scenario where they come in handy. Specifically, when I’m staying at my parents’ house and my mom and I take walks along this great wooded trail. We don’t see a ton of people, and when we do pass them we can easily stay more than six feet away. And it’s outside. And we’re just passing them, not stopping for a chat. But it’s such a pain to keep a mask in your pocket and hold it over your face while you pass someone, or put it on and take it off over and over while you’re hiking. But you don’t want to NOT wear a mask! You want to assure whoever you’re passing that you are a Safe Person. So that’s when you need what we have dubbed the Symbolic Neck Gaiter. I wouldn’t dare wear one of these gaiters to like, Costco. But when you’re passing someone for three seconds and want to signal to them that you are a decent person, you pull up your neck gaiter (over your mouth AND nose, be sensible). I specifically have this one, but you can get whatever you like, as long as you realize this is not something you wear to run errands. Symbolic masks are only for specific situations, use them appropriately.

Watch: Yet Another NXIVM Doc

I think I’ve proven that I will consume any NXIVM media, and probably always will. I loved the CBC podcast, and highly recommend it. I had high hopes for The Vow and it just got more disappointing as it went on, but I did watch every episode. And now I’m watching Seduced: Inside the NXIVM Cult on Starz. I could tell you it’s good but I learned my lesson from The Vow! I have only watched one episode and won’t speak too soon. I will say that this one is four episodes, which already makes it more appealing than The Vow. The best one is still Uncovered: Escaping NXIVM, not only because it has a singular focus but also because it’s a podcast, so you can listen while you do dishes or walk the dog. Then I’d say Seduced. It’s already more of a documentary than The Vow, which is more like a reality-based soap opera. It’s not worth getting a Starz subscription, but if you already have access and, like me, have proven you will consume any and all cult content, then go for it.

Want: A Man/Pedi

Oh my GOD I would LOVE to get a mani/pedi. But I give a shit about the health and wellbeing of other people,. so I won’t. Don’t be a fool and think it’s okay to do whatever because there’s a plastic screen between you and your nail tech. Stay home.

Sarah Chrzastowski

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