Make Your Skin Look (And Smell) Amazing With Trader Joe's Watermelon Beauty Line

I’ve been doing a lot of beauty shopping and browsing at grocery stores lately. I’ve been limiting my errands, and trying to group everything together, so when i go out I get everything I could possibly think of needing, now or in the future, and that includes beauty. I always take a stroll through the beauty aisles at Costco, because you never know when you’ll find something amazing for a great price, and Target is great for picking up a deodorant or face wash or what have you, I even bought a hair clip at Whole Foods a few weeks ago, and when I went to check out the staffer said, “A hair clip!” and i was like, “I need one and no way am I making another stop.” (It broke, btw. Maybe don’t buy hair clips at Whole Foods.) I also make sure to check out Trader Joe’s beauty offerings, which are shockingly good.

I am a devotee of the Tea Tree Tingle shampoo and conditioner, they make an eye cream that is honestly, much better than it has to be for its price point, and if you want an easy moisturizer that feels fancy? TJ’s has got you covered. And now they’ve come out with two watermelon products for summer, which, again, are SO GOOD - particularly when you consider they’re sold by a niche grocery store.

I’ve only recently gotten into facial mists, but I totally see the appeal. I’ve taken to leaving them on my coffee table so I can be reminded to give my face a quick spritz as I’m passing through the living room. It’s not going to make any huge difference in your complexion, but they give you a little boost in the middle of the day. it’s a nice break for a few seconds to refresh, take care, and feel slightly fancy. Trader Joe’s Watermelon Facial Mist is perfectly refreshing and invigorating, but what I really love is the smell. This is when I should admit that I don’t like watermelon (Too watery! Weird texture!) but I love watermelon flavored things, and watermelon scent. This spritz hits all the right notes (scent joke!) and makes me feel summery and energized.

The mist isn’t essential, but when feeling like a carefree summer babe costs just $4, and you can pick it up the next time you’re getting frozen croissants and cornbread crisps, why not?! What is essential, in my opinion, is TJ’s other watermelon offering: The Watermelon Overnight Face Mask. You may recognize this as a dupe of a dupe (this is the OG, this is the cheaper knockoff). But thanks to Trader Joe’s you can have all the hyped watermelon beauty for just $7. And this stuff feels much fancier than a $7 moisturizer. The container is a heavy glass that already makes it seem luxe, the mask itself is thick, but not cloggy feeling, and has that intoxicating watermelon smell. If you wear it overnight (you can also apply it as a quick mask) you will wake up glowing. I don’t know what this did to my skin, but it’s a total complexion changer.

Sarah Chrzastowski

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