Wear, Watch, Want #157: The Expensive Uncovered Shoulders Edition

Wear: Shoulder Massager

I have been dealing with aching shoulders for awhile, and one evening it was particularly obnoxious, so I impulsively bought a shoulder massager on Amazon. The exact one I got is no longer available, but it was essentially exactly like this. I thought, “Eh, I’ll give it a try and see how it goes, it’s probably crap.” But it’s actually great??!! I love this thing. I use it on my shoulders mainly, but also sometimes on my low back where I tend to get aches that are hard to stretch out.

Watch: The Vow

After I talked about this great NXIVM podcast in Wear, Watch, Want #81, did you go listen to it? Maybe you were waiting two years until the HBO docuseries was released? Well, I’m not done being obsessed with cults, so I’m also watching the series, even though I would argue you learned enough from the podcast. It’s nice to see the faces of the people you’ve heard about, and it’s a little easier to understand how these people could be so compelling when you see them on video. The podcast has the angle of being told by a childhood friend of Sarah Edmondson, who ran into her and was like, “What’s up?” and she said, “I just left my role as a high ranking member of a cult.” Since she is also front and center in the series, I was certain the podcast and the series were linked, but apparently not! If you’re interested in The Vow, but haven’t listened to Uncover: Escaping NXIVM, I highly suggest it as supplemental material. It’s way more than a sex cult that branded women with the founder’s initials, although that’s in there too!

PS: Do you think that whole storyline in Battlestar Gallactica where Gaius Baltar becomes a sex cult leader is based on Keith Raniere because I DO.

Want: Umbrella Stand

I have my stationary bike in a little alcove of my house, and I’m trying to figure out how to store other workout gear in the same place. A few organization bits and bobs are in motion, but one thing I’m still searching for is a way to store my yoga mat and foam roller. Right now they’re propped in a corner, which is fine, but I’m a stickler for aesthetics and I know I can do better. After a lot of searching I’ve decided the best, most low profile storage solution is an umbrella stand. Particularly this umbrella stand, which is considerably more than I would expect to spend on such a thing, but also is exactly what I pictured and maybe, therefore, worth it. I just need to wrap my head around a $100 umbrella stand I’m going to use to hold a yoga mat.

Sarah Chrzastowski

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