Wear, Watch, Want #161: The Spinning Autumn Nun Edition

Wear: Athleta Inlet Jacket

In early September, I turned my heat on. Just for a day! But it got me all excited for fall, which in inarguably the best season. This month i also did a big clear out of my closet, which involved trying on a lot of stuff to see if it got to stay, or was joining the rejects in the consignment pile. I got very excited trying on sweaters (I love a sweater) and got especially pumped when I got to my jackets. Now that I’m once again living in a place with weather, my extensive jackets are 1) Justified and 2) Allowed to really shine. I own two of Athleta’s Inlet Jacket. First I got the burgundy, on sale, and then later in the season, I got the black when it was super-duper marked down (I think it was like $70). I wasn’t sure if I really needed to get the same jacket in a different color, but now that coat season is fast approaching I’m so glad I did.

Watch: Call the Midwife

I’ve been a big fan of Call the Midwife for years (just checked, it’s been EIGHT years?!), and it just keeps getting better. I completely missed the latest season on PBS this past spring, but now it’s on Netflix and I’ve bene spending evenings working on cross stitch bookmarks and watching Call the Midwife and thinking to myself, “Hmmm, should I become a midwife and live in a house full of nuns?” Call the Midwife has gone through a lot of cast changes in the past eight years, and if you fell off because you couldn’t imagine the show without X character, I implore you to give it another chance. It is such a feat for a show to lose key players and someone make the show not only keep going, but get you to love new characters as much as you loved the old ones. I can’t believe I didn’t like Barbara at first! I WEPT over her when she left! And I thought Phyllis was terrible! Imagine! And I was THRILLED to find out the fans are obsessed with Valerie and Lucille, who are the standouts of the past few seasons. I fully support all of your slashfic and hope it becomes canon. Now that Call the Midwife finally has a black character, and the story is well into the 60s, they’re getting into some great storylines. The show was always about class, and poverty, and reproductive rights, but now they’re going even harder on issues - that are from the 60s but are just as important today - and it’s GREAT. If you stopped watching, pick it up again (the entire series is on Netflix), and if you never watched, what are you DOING?

Want: Peloton Bike+

Peloton released a new Bike, the Bike+, a few weeks ago, and it’s all I wanted in a Peloton and more. And… I bought one. It’s arriving Monday. I am beyond excited. It’s all I can think about. I’ll write more and explain why I upgraded from my DIY setup later, once I’ve had the bike for awhile and played around with it. Until then… MONDAY. I CANNOT WAIT.

Sarah Chrzastowski

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