Gift Guide 2021: Dweebs, Nerds, and Dorks

Remember when it was bad to be a nerd? I barely do. Now it’s a badge of honor, another way of gatekeeping something that’s (of course and always) fully accessible to anyone. But being a nerd has always had a certain level of cool, just think of Miss Frizzle. Here are some lovely gifts to give to the nerd in your life, who is maybe also the coolest person you know.

I don’t know what witch magician came up with the idea to make Anthropologie Scrabble, but they SEE me.

Novelty earrings are a great way to get some nerd in your life without going Full Frizz (not a bad thing, btw). I would love both this pair of Chicago style hot dog earrings, and these sparkly french fries.

DId you hear Saga is coming back in January??? Get ready with the first half of the series, conveniently bound in one collection.

These timer cubes are great for productivity, but I’ve only just learned you can get them for seconds too, and now I want one for doing PT exercises (phone is too fiddly, counting is about as accurate as guessing).

I’m also planning on buying myself this Dr Ellie Sattler action figure, to remind me to run, and that woman inherits the earth.

Speaking of dinosaurs, they are my favorite animals, and I love thinking about the shrink wrap theory and how we really do NOT know what dinosaurs looked like. I would love to own my own copy of All Yesterdays (mentioned in the linked article about shrink wrapping, to my surprise) so I could ogle some weird scientific drawings any time I like.

Sarah Chrzastowski

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An Almanac For The 21st Century

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Gift Guide 2021: Peloton Rides Again