Painting Your Own Nails Just Got More Accessible

Have you seen Olive & June’s nifty nail polish tool The Poppy? It seems like a great idea.

You just put this little silicone top on your nail polish brush, and it creates a larger handle, making it easier to hold the brush while you paint your nails. As someone who has issues with their hands, I was immediately interested, plus I love outing trendy, seemingly “silly” products as accessibility items (PopSockets are mobility aids, baby!). So I got a Poppy of my own. And it didn’t work.

Olive & June claims that The Poppy is “universal,” but it’s not like they say it will fit on absolutely every nail polish cap, no problem, so this is not a failure of theirs. I love Sally Hansen Miracle Gel, and those brush caps are in no possible way compatible with The Poppy. But I loved the idea! So I did some innovating, and I found a nail polish brush holder that WILL work on those big ol’ bottles that The Poppy can’t handle.

The Tweexy Wearable Nail Polish Holder Ring is not intended to be used on the brush part of a nail polish bottle. It’s meant to hold your bottle while you paint your nails, like this:

But it’s a silicone holder thingy, just like The Poppy, so I figured why not use it to hold the brush and give yourself a larger handle to work with? I didn’t know if it would be a success, but I figured it was worth a try, and IT WORKS.

It takes some finessing, but my preferred method is to sort fo flatten the Tweexy so that four of the silicone points wrap around the brush handle. The cap is secure and won’t slide around in the Tweexy, and it gives you a wide area to hold.

I tried putting the finger handles higher on my fingers and holding the now flattened base with my finger tips, thinking this may add security and stability, but it wasn’t really helpful for me. I just hold it by the part that’s around the brush, and let the finger holders just hang out at the back.

This isn’t for everyone - if you have no idea why a holder for nail polish brushes would be helpful, then this isn’t something you need. BUT, if you have mobility issues or wish nail polish brushes were easier to hold and maneuver, then I highly recommend trying out this trick. You can also use the Tweexy as intended, to hold your nail polish in a little cup on your hand! It also helps that this device is compatible with more brushes than The Poppy, costs less, and comes in a ton of colors.

Sarah Chrzastowski

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