Apparently I'll Never Stop Searching For the Perfect Hairbrush

I wrote already about my hunt for a hairbrush that was easy to keep looking nice. But I am incapable of finding a solution to a problem and just being satisfied. No, for me the Tangle Teezer hairbrush was a plateau. A place to rest and have my problem half-solved while I looked for something even better. I would love to say that this mindset is Covid/lockdown induced, and is just a way to fill my days with meaning, but honestly I am just like this all the time. BUT that’s why I give such good recommendations! Anyway, here are the two brushes I have added to my arsenal:

First is another member of the Tangle Teezer family. The Ultimate Teaser is, as advertised, a teasing brush. I first learned about it from my favorite educational tool, TikTok, in a video about how to “look less bald when your hair is in a ponytail” (the algorithm can be brutal).


@krysten_wags wants to know how to not look bald with a ##ponytail hope this helps! ##hairtease ##scrunchies

♬ My House - Flo Rida

I did not follow any of the advice in the video, so I can’t speak to that, but I DID get the brush used in the tutorial and I LOVE it. It’s a teaser brush on one end, with two sizes of teeth, and it’s great for brushing out small sections of hair, or (duh) teasing. The handle comes to a point, which is perfect for sectioning hair while I practice braiding.

The next brush is another TikTok staple, but I thought it was just for those blessed with curly hair, which it tuns out is NOT the case! Why I get curly hair TikToks is beyond me, but they introduced me to the Denman Brush, and now I, a straight haired person, have one of my own. I don’t hate the original Tangle Teezer I got, but all the issues I had with it were solved by my new favorite, the Denman Brush.

EVERY video or endorsement I have seen of the Denman Brush says that it’s for curly hair. BUT I did my research and it’s not a brush FOR curly hair, it’s just a great tool for those chosen, blessed few who have curly hair (I am SO envious, can you tell??). It’s just a regular brush! Anyone can use it! So I got one.

The teeth on this one are NOT flexible, so if you’re a precious tender headed baby, maybe look elsewhere. BUT, the teeth are long (my main complaint with the Tangle Teezer) and don’t have any little baubles on the ends, so it’s super easy to keep tidy. There are different varieties of the brush, and I got the 9 row (this is the exact one I got) because I have long hair and it seemed more like a “hairbrush” and less like a “curly hair tool” and, as I have mentioned 400 times, I do not have curly hair.

The Denman Brush isn’t as gentle as the Tangle Teezer, but because of the longer teeth I can really feel like I’ve brushed through ALL my hair, particularly on the crown of my head. As with any brush, you should detangle from the bottom up, but I think tis’ particularly important with this brush. If you expect to just come through from roots to ends and get all the tangles, you’re in for some pain and frustration. I have also hit a snag in my hair and ended up pulling the rubber part fully out of the brush, but it’s very easy to just slide back in. And, of course, it’s easy to keep clean and tidy. $20 may seem like a lot for a hairbrush, particularly if you’re used to getting Wet Brushes at TJ Maxx like I am, but the fact that this brush will last a long time, and stay looking nice, makes it a worthwhile investment.

Sarah Chrzastowski

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