Wear, Watch, Want #193: The Dry, Supported Girl Group Edition

Wear: Olive and June Dry Drops and Buffer Set

After my failed experience with Olive & June’s Poppy, I didn’t think about the brand again… until I needed a new nail buffer and Olive & June products were on sale at Target. Not only did I get this three pack of perfectly sized nail buffers, I also grabbed a bottle of their Dry Drops. The buffers are bendy, which, at least for me, makes them infinitely easier to use the the giant rigid rectangle buffers that are now just a mistake from my past. The Dry Drops are a little messy (I’m also certain I used too much, I’m learning) but they WORK, which is great for me, a person who can paint their own nails but cannot sit still and not touch anything for the time it takes polish to dry.

Watch: Girls5eva

Girls5eva is a show that absolutely panders to a certain demographic, one which I am an enthusiastic part of. Real talk: I would have been a BIG Girls5eva fan. The songs on Girls5eva are not as good as 30 Rock, but they’re also better in a weird way. While 30 Rock was absurdist, the absurdity of Girls5eva was already built into the early 2000s, like, in real life. These pop songs are weird and goofy and embarrassing and that’s what was POPULAR back then. Listen to a song from the fictional world of Girls5eva and then listen to LFO’s “Summer Girls.” I REST MY CASE.

Girls5eva is exactly what I want to be watching, and it is worth binging during a 7 day free trial of Peacock. In the Tina Fey-verse, I’d say not as good at 30 Rock but better than Kimmy Schmidt (HOWEVER the puppet nonna from Kimmy Schmidt remains one of my favorite gags of all time).

Want: SheFit Sports Bra

I am in a bit of a sports bra conundrum. My favorite sports bras are the Warrior Longline from Athleta (they’re also called Formation, and when I wrote about them the first time they were called Actualize). They’re great, I’ve bought them under three names and combined I own I think 8? I wear one just about every day. BUT, I’ve noticed that I’ve been getting a bit too much bounce, and I’m thinking I need to add a more supportive bra to the collection. I’ve been looking all over, I have tried so many, and I think I’m just going to stop looking and buy a SheFit bra. I’m still figuring out if I want the Ultimate or the Flex, and what color, but once I do, I think my workouts will only get better.

Sarah Chrzastowski

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