Wear, Watch, Want #200: The Brass Catholic Leopard Edition

Wear: Crocs Kadee II Flip Flops

I am a Birkenstock devotee, and I am also a person who wears shoes in the house (specifically house shoes, I’m not an animal), but these two things are not compatible with at-home pedicures. I have fresh paint on my toes, and I want to move around and let them dry, but I want to be wearing shoes, but all my shoes are incompatible with freshly painted toes. It’s not a huge problem, but it’s an obnoxious one, especially when I’m touching up smudged nail polish for the tenth time. I was at Nordstrom Rack, I saw these leopard print Crocs flip flops, and I got ‘em. They are comfortable, they don’t smudge my polish, and they’re my favorite color.

Watch: Evil

Evil is a CBS (now Paramount +) series from the creators of The Good Wife and The Good Fight. It’s a procedural about demons, but less Supernatural and more, well, The Good Wife. Mike Colter is a priest in training who works for the Catholic church to investigate potential demonic possessions, spiritual mysteries, but also miracles. He’s teamed up with Aasif Mandvi, who plays the sceptic/tech whiz/Muslim-turned-athiest, and Katja Herbers is the newest addition, as the psychologist who kind of walks the balance between her two coworkers beliefs. Also Michael Emerson shows up as a literal demon, who has seduced and manipulated none other but Christine Lahti!

This is a perfect cross-stitching show, which is how I’ve been watching the first season on Netflix. I actually started the series months ago, but couldn’t get into it. Then I saw people on my Twitter feed talking about the second season, i decided to give it another shot. It’s great. We’ve got spooks and spirits, Catholicism, a truly unnerving sleep paralysis demon, courtroom drama, sexual tension, and exorcisms. What more can you ask for?!

Want: Jungalow Metal Brass Wall Art

Target’s latest capsule collection is with Justina Blakeney, creator of Jungalow. I saw the preview of the collection, I knew I wanted this brass sunburst to hang over my bed in my still undecorated bedroom (I have lived here three years), and it sold out INSTANTLY. I have an alert for if it gets restocked, and I have tried THREE more times to snag one of these, to no avail. I saw someone posting an ISO listing for this piece, offering $150 for it, which is absolutely ridiculous and only encourages jerks to buy them al up and resell at a horrendous markup. Target, there is clearly demand, you simply must make more.

Sarah Chrzastowski

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