Wear, Watch, Want #251: The Swooning Lime Logo Edition

Wear: True Lime

Years ago, someone on a podcast was evangelizing about True Lemon. It makes water taste better! It’s made of actual lemons! It’s easy to bring everywhere. “Good for you!” I thought, “I actually love plain water and I’m not super into lemon! I wish it was lime!” WELL GUESS WHAT, they make True Lime. It’s simply crystalized lime, put into little packets, one of which is roughly equivalent to one lime wedge. I add these to water to give it a little zing - and this may replace my Spindrift habit, since I often want the flavor but not so much carbonation. Adding a packet of True Lime to a Diet Coke? ELITE.

Watch: Starstruck

There are two seasons of Starstruck on HBO Max (a third is coming and hopefully HBO Max exists by then), and I watched them both in two days. It’s a sweet cozy romcom that you can just put on and feel happy, which is exactly what I wanted when I was dog-sitting in the middle of the woods, but sprained my ankle and couldn’t do anything.

Want: Kirkland Logo Joggers

I have the Kirkland logo sweatshirt (I actually have two), so OBVS I need the matching sweatpants.

Sarah Chrzastowski

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