Wear, Watch, Want #238: The One-Piece Dog Polish Edition

Wear: Jumpsuits

I used to be a dress gal, but now I’m a jumpsuit girlie. Overalls, this jumpsuit that truly fits me like a DREAM, and even this cheapo Target one I got for $12 during their Prime Day Competition Sale — I am obsessed with them all. Waistbands are for CHUMPS.

Watch: Dogs

I didn’t have a WWW last week because I didn’t wear, watch, OR want anything new. This week is incredibly similar, but with an added bonus of zero free time to even attempt to watch something. I’m dogsitting AND catsitting AND trying to train a puppy, so I’m basically Seattle’s David Attenborough, but for Boston terriers (and two cats). You know what I’ve been watching? My own daydreams of what fall/winter is going to be like (cooler, with a puppy that’s neutered and isn’t afraid of walks, and free time to pursue whatever nonsense I want).

Want: Mani/Pedi

Speaking of no free time, my nails are looking ROUGH and I don’t have TIME to get them FIXED. I have an appointment for next week but that is EONS from now. I really feel like I’m going to come out of the nail salon refreshed and reborn and ready to deal with the animal menagerie I’ve managed to rope myself into.

Sarah Chrzastowski

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