Wear, Watch, Want #236: The Chic Wild Jumpsuit Edition

Wear: Birkenstock Arizona All-Black

I don’t want to count how many pairs of Birkenstocks I own, because the number is… maybe more than 10? But Birks last forever - you can get them resoled and repaired, so this isn’t hyperbole - and I love them. Lately I’ve been wearing my fanciest (ie, most $$) Birks, these all-black Arizonas, a lot. They’re more expensive than regular Arizona sandals, but when I bought them a few years ago I said, “They’re timeless! They’ll last forever!” and you know what, I was RIGHT.

Watch: The Wilds Season 2

I went back and reread my post about the first season of The Wilds, and I suddenly knew why I had mixed feelings about season 2: It’s becasue I had mixed feelings about season 1! I just forgot! Which relates to strike one against Amazon, which is the fact that there is NO season 1 recap. I get that people binge watch and can get annoyed with repeated info, but just do what Netflix does and only have “previously on” recaps if you haven’t been watching multiple episodes in a row. I’m flattered that Amazon thinks I remember ANY minutiae from the first season of The Wilds, but I assure you, I DO NOT.

I DO remember that at the end of the season we learned that there is also a group of teen boys on some other island, also being observed by Ultimate White Feminist Rachel Griffiths. It was exciting and intriguing! And now in season 2 we actually get to meet these boys and… I do not care. Everyone one of them can go on whatever story arc they’re going on, I do not CARE. Then, we switch back to the girls and I’m like, “SEE?? It’s a good show!”

I’m not very far in the season, partly because I hardly ever watch TV anymore, and partly because I read on Wikipedia that in the next episode one of the boys SAs another of the boys, and I’m not interested in seeing that. But the pull of the actually fantastic cast of women calls to me, so I’ll finish the season, but might only pay attention to how the orginal girls are doing.

Want: Athleta Savannah Jumpsuit

I bought this jumpsuit in black this week, and I want it in the orangey-red as well. It fits impossibly well. I was trying on clothes with my mom and I showed her this jumpsuit and said, “I… might have to buy this for full price, it’s that good.” To which my mom replied, “You HAVE to buy it.” And now I want two of it.

Sarah Chrzastowski

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