Wear, Watch, Want #273: The Traveling Plus Cycling Edition

Wear: Tabata Rides

I’ve worn nothing new this week. The closest thing to “new” was me rediscovering this cardigan and wearing it every evening (a great combo with shorts for walking the dog at 9pm, btw). BUT, if you consider my bike something that I use and therefore adjacent to something that I wear (I make the rules, it’s fine and good), then I have become obsessed with interval rides, which I never really paid attention to before. I was a climb and HIIT & Hills devotee, but this Tunde intervals class dropped, I took it, loved it, and wondered if other interval classes would be just as enjoyable. Now I’m a tabata, HIIT, and intervals fanatic. I’ve been a Peloton member for three years, and I’m just now finding this out?? Anyway, try new things, they may turn out to be your favorite things.

Watch: AMC+ on (HBO)Max

Max, FKA HBOMax (in this case, FKA stands for forever known as), is hosting a few select AMC+ shows for the next two months, which is great for ME, a person who never watched the third season of A Discovery of Witches and also never finished Interview With the Vampire but has been jonesing for both for months.

Want: Dopp Kit/Toiletry Bag

I have tried SO MANY different travel toiletry holders. I’m going to be gone for 2+ weeks next month and I truly feel like the perfect toiletry kit is out there, I just need to find it. Nothing seems to hold everything, or be suited for my needs, or not take up literally one half of my suitcase. This one seems good, and I think I’ll try it, but I don’t know, man. I wouldn’t have thought I had a lot of products or highly specific needs but apparently I DO.

Sarah Chrzastowski

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