Wear, Watch, Want #99: The Shrill Lined Gallery Edition

Wear: Peds

Somehow, I’ve gotten too lazy to tie shoes. I bought a pair of slip on tennis shoes and regular laced tennis shoes at the same time, and the laced ones have been languishing in my closet for months. I wear the slip on ones at least three times a week. I bought them to wear to and from barre class, and those time I don’t wear socks, but when I wear them all day I like just a little liner in there. Keeps things from getting too weird and sweaty. I’ve tried a few brands, but these Peds are my favorite. They have a little sticky pad on the heel to help them stay put, and if you get the large size (I’ve only been able to find them online) they stay in place on my size 9 feet. Plus, they’re cheap! Two pairs for $5!

Watch: Shrill

There has been SO MUCH written about Shrill and I watched it weeks ago when it came out so I’m not going to tell you anything groundbreaking here. I will say, though, that I agree with some critics that claimed the show wasn’t as in-your-face, take-no-shit awesome as the book it’s based on. But what no one I read added was that the tone of the show made perfect sense. First of all, it’s about a woman learning to be confident in herself. She’s not going to be a ball busting heroine right out of the gate! Second, when you’re making a show that subverts tropes and challenges mainstream ideas, you can’t just unleash that in season one. Executives are not creatives. They don’t want to rock the boat when the boat is making them money. You have to soothe them a bit with season one so that you can GET a season two to really stretch yourself. Anyway, I liked Shrill a lot, and I’m thrilled that there is going to be a second season.

Want: Art!

There is a huge wall in my living room that I’ve known for years that I wanted to turn into a gallery wall. I haven’t even lived here for a year. It’s been a slow process, because I moved with barely any furniture and I wanted to get my big items established before I moved on to artwork. But now I have a couch and a rug and a coffee table and it’s time. I planned out a layout with some frames I already had, and bought artwork based on those measurements (like the one pictured above). Not ONE worked out as planned. The measurements were all wrong and it was a huge setback. But I reworked and hopefully in a week or so this massive wall is no longer a big artless expanse.

Sarah Chrzastowski

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