Let This Little Brush Do The Gross Cleaning For You

I clean my house once a week, and depending on how I’m feeling and what I’m up to, I either do a basic tidy and spruce, or I go full-on and like, clean the drain plugs and dust behind my nightstand. When I’m feeling motivated to take on the gross jobs, there is one tool I have found to be invaluable: The Rubbermaid Power Scrubber.

This little battery powered spin brush makes tough jobs easier, and also manages to get in the tight spaces where you can’t fit, and just wouldn’t want to put, your hands. I particularly love this brush for when I need to scrub out whatever the hell accumulates on the sides of my drains. I also recently had a pot fall madly in love with some pasta sauce and would not let it go no matter what I tried. I couldn’t scrub it, both because my scrub brush was a little too gentle and because the joints in my hands are, quite frankly, eroding, and I just don’t have a lot of hand strength. I got the ol’ Power Scrubber and just held it next to the pesky sauce spots and they vanished. The Power Scrubber is like an electric toothbrush or a Clarisonic - you just turn it on and hold it where you need cleaning and it does all the hard work for you.

There are many versions of this, the most heavy duty probably being the Drill Brush (I want one, but first I need to own a drill), but the Power Scrubber is small, comes with two brush heads, and sells for $20. You can just pick it up on your next Target run.

I will say that my grout brush (the pointy one) has been destroyed and I can’t find a way to buy another one. I didn’t use it that often and it’s not a huge loss, but I would like to be able to easily buy a replacement. For now I’m good with just the flat brush head, but what if I destroy that one as well? I’m just trying to plan ahead. Oh, and if you’re wondering what you do once you’ve used your brush on a disgusting sink drain and can’t imagine using it anywhere else? I put mine in the dishwasher (I know what you may be thinking and that’s NOT how the other one broke). I think of the dishwasher as The Great Sanitizer and will put all kind of gross shit in there to get it back to acceptable cleanliness.

If you need a little more oomph for certain cleaning jobs, or need something to clean a tight space, or just love a good gadget, you can’t go wrong with the Power Scrubber. Now please, Rubbermaid, let me buy a pack of brush heads so I can keep on cleaning.

Sarah Chrzastowski

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