Wear, Watch, Want #146: The Virtual Smell-O-Vision Edition

Wear: Mitchum Antiperspirant

I went through a whole saga a few months ago wherein I switched antiperspirants, my armpits turned orange, and I started using natural deodorant instead. I love my Megababe Rosy Pits Deodorant, but now that things are getting warmer, and I’m spending time with my BFF (my stationary bike) and sweating much more than usual, I needed to bring back the big guns.

My new system is to use MItchum antiperspirant at night, and Megababe in the morning. Antiperspirant works the best when you use it at night, which I go into in the Megababe Deo post. Suffice it to say, the new system is helping me be less stinky, less sweaty, and more likely to feel comfortable when I’m hanging out with my friends (taking spin classes on the Peloton App).

Watch: Upload

Has every site and app you use been inundating you with ads for Upload since March? I couldn’t escape it when I tried. And I did NOT care to see the same ad for this show I wasn’t going to watching over and over anytime I was online. Then I saw some people saying it was good, read some good reviews, and thought, “I don’t have anything else to do! Sure!” And let me tell you: The ads to not do this show justice.

I don’t know who was responsible for the marketing, but it was NOT representative of this show, which is clever, heartfelt, and has a lot of women in it (the ads, at least the ones I got, are all Robbie Amell). It’s kind of a mystery, kind of a meditation on death, and kind of a goofy comedy. All in one!

The one complaint I have, which I have about oh, just about every bit of media set in the future, is that it’s not set far enough. They mention the year once, during Nathan’s funeral, and it’s revealed that this is supposed to be 2033. A mere thirteen years from now, every aspect of society has changed. (And people have been in the virtual afterlife for years, so the conceit here is that this all came into existence just a few years from now.) You could have made it any year! It could have been 2100! Who cares? But trying to get me to believe that in 13 measly years the skylines of major cities look completely different, every car is self-driving, VR is so prevalent that we have a VR afterlife wherein dead people can make phone calls to the living… nope. You’ve immediately taken me out of the story. I’d be shocked if in 13 years every person owns a smart phone, let alone uses it to drive their car and talk to their dead grandma.

BUT, otherwise, I really enjoyed Upload and was surprised it was a completely different show I was led to believe based on the ads. If you have Amazon Prime and need something to watch, you could do worse! Also now I’m obsessed with Andy Allo and would like to see her in everything.

Want: New Glasses

I needed to get an eye exam for the entirety of 2019. I didn’t get one. And now look at the state of things! Will I be able to get an eye exam in 2020? And if I am able, will I be comfortable getting one? UNKNOWN. But my glasses are in rough shape and I can’t get new ones without a prescription less than a year old and man, I’m so pissed at 2019 me who thought she had all the time in the world to go get a lil’ eye exam. And I’m not even going to talk about contacts, which I have been rationing but will need within the year, probably. This is perhaps the smallest pandemic problem, I know, but I’m sick of my glasses falling off my face and having to squint to read certain things. And every time I think about how fed up I am with my vision situation I think of that scene in You’ve Got Mail where they’re all trapped in the elevator waxing poetic about what they’ll do when they are free and Parkey Posey selfishly announces, “If I ever get out of here I’m getting my EYES LASERED.” It me, friends. IT ME.

Sarah Chrzastowski

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