Wear, Watch, Want #160: The Body Positive Neon Leopard Edition

Wear: Antacid Chewy Bites

Y’all, these Wear segments are getting TRICKY. I wear the same thing all the time. I have told you about the tank top I wear every day. Oh, it’s colder? Well I’ll wear this sweatshirt that I now own three of. I wear these leggings (a problematic fave, barf emoji) EVERY DAY. I wear these shoes or these shoes. I am not wearing anything new. So we have to get creative. My…uh… stomach has worn these Tums Chewy Bites (actually Target Brand. I’m not made of money). Sure. Great.

Long backstory that takes place over years, but I have a bunch of vague yet bothersome digestive issues. I will happily tell you the story, which spans states and decades and doctors but I won’t. It would take forever. Basically, I had to go see a surgeon, and while we talked options and medications and symptoms he was like, “You know you can just take Tums. You can take a lot actually. Feel free to take a lot of Tums.” And I’ll admit, before this interaction where I was seeing a SURGEON because my BODY was FULL OF ACID, I had never once taken Tums.

So the next time I was at Target I said, “Better get some Tums.” Again, I have never taken a Tums in my life and I imagined them being like, large Smarties that you have to choke down and they probably won’t even work and will just leave a horrible taste in your mouth. But there are all KINDS of calcium carbonate delivery systems, and I decided the Chewy Bites looked the least horrific. I actually got the Target Brand, specifically these ones, because I am loyal to Target and to getting a deal. And they’re delicious?! They’re like large Skittles. AND they seem to be working. I had to start taking a less powerful anti-reflux drug, and I still get breakthrough heartburn, and now I just chew two of these when I start feeling yucky and so far it’s been great. I can’t believe 1) I had never once tried Tums before, 2) That these are delicious, and 3) That they WORK.

Watch: Hannah_Talks_Bodies on TikTok

I’m still spending hours a day on TikTok. This world has broken my brain and now I cannot watch an entire movie but I CAN watch 3 hours worth of 60 second videos. Sure hope this is what my ancestors dreamed for me because this is WHAT IT IS. Anyway, I absolutely love TikTok and there are so many creators doing great work on this app that I thought was just for tweens dancing in their rich parents’ solariums. One such creator is Hannah Fuhlendorf, who makes videos about health at every size, fat oppression now and throughout time, body politics, mental health, and much more. This week my therapist and I spent a good part of our session talking about how much we like her. She puts SO MUCH information into a 60 second video, and in a way that is accessible and informative. She did a post recently recommending books, which has now become the reading list for both me and my therapist. Hannah is truly a wonderful resource who is doing fabulous work - and it’s on TikTok of all places!

I mentioned this is my kvelling session with my therapist, but while I know Hannah’s videos are all about body positivity and not placing value on physical appearance… when’s she gonna drop that skincare routinte because I am IN AWE.

Want: Sorel Bodega Run Leopard Slippers

Ten hours ago I didn’t know Sorel made leopard print slippers, but now I am in love, I need them, and they are all I can think about. I love slippers. Leopard print is my favorite color. I am not going to be leaving the house much in the next, oh, two years (har har… this country is a nightmare) so I can rationalize buying even MORE slippers. The only question is, which color? We’ve got black. Classic. Goes with everything. Then there’s “epic plum” which is in the oxblood/maroon family, my favorite color if you’re a pedantic and say leopard print doesn’t count. And then the dark horse, sage, with a neon pinky/orange binding. Initially I thought these were too out there for me, but then I remembered that just last week I yelled out loud because I realized these Birkenstocks I wanted were only for children. So, you know, I’m not above a neon trim.

Sarah Chrzastowski

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