This Amazing Remover Can Tackle Even The Toughest Mascara (And With No Eye Rubbing!)

I have been loving my Kiss Me Heroine Make Mascara. It is truly all it promised to be and more. I added a few things to my cart besides mascara that day, and one of them was Heroine Make Speedy Mascara Remover. I wasn’t sure if this was a gimmicky product, or if these mascaras were so smudge-proof I’d need some kind of special remover, but I love a gimmicky makeup product AND I did want to be able to take this mascara off, so I added a tube of the remover to my cart.

Bottom Line: You don’t need to buy Speedy Mascara Remover, but man does it make taking your makeup off at the end of the day so easy. The remover looks like any other mascara tube, but the applicator isn’t a spoolie - it’s basically just a stick. There are some ridges on one side, but honestly it’s hard to tell if that edge of the sick is on your lashes, and it doesn’t really matter. (Note: Based on photos online, I may have gotten a misshapen applicator, BUT, it still works great.) The remover itself is basically a concentrated cleansing oil that you can put on your lashes without rubbing your eyes. I do a few swipes of Speedy Mascara Remover, then go in with my favorite cleansing balm to take off the rest of my makeup, as well as the mascara and remover. I used to sit and (gently) rub at my eyes to get every last bit of eye makeup off, but with Speedy Mascara Remover doing the work for me, there’s virtually no rubbing involved. A light pass with some cleaning balm over my eyes and I’m squeaky clean.

It’s it great when something you thought was a gimmicky money-grab turns out to be a life-changing invention? I will now always have a tube of Heroine Make Speedy Mascara Remover in my medicine cabinet.

Sarah Chrzastowski

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