Wear, Watch, Want #235: The Distracted Waffle Garage Edition

Wear: Garage-Style Dog Crate

I have one puppy and one blind dog. The puppy is still very much in need of a crate, but if I leave the door of the crate open, the blind dog will bump into it. It’s not painful for her (she’s been blind for awhile and walks very carefully and slowly), but I feel bad for her banging into a metal door multiple times a day. I had only seen the garage style doors on very expensive crates, but it didn’t take much searching to find a much more affordable one with a door that just lifts and tucks away, never to be bumped into again.

Watch: Ha! As If!

Things I did this week instead of watching something and writing about it here:

  1. Stared at TikTok for longer than I’d like to acknowledge.

  2. Listened to audiobooks and podcasts while I played dumb games on my iPad, because I can’t just have one distraction at a time anymore.

  3. Sat outside and let the aforementioned puppy run around the yard becasue he is afraid of taking walks (seriously).

  4. Thought about cleaning my house, exercising, baking, making phone calls I’ve been avoiding… and then just not doing them and instead picking from activities 1-3 as listed above.

Want: Aerie Waffle Sweatshirt

I wrote about this sweatshirt, that I love and want to wear all the time, but I did not know that Aerie sells a very similar WAFFLE sweatshirt?? I must have it as well. I’m waiting for a good sale (never buy Aerie full price!) but once the price is right it will be MINE.

Sarah Chrzastowski

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